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Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Basic Commands that we use in Sql while creating project....

Hi friends, today I will say you about basic Sql commands that we use while creating our project.

1) Create
2) Insert
3) Update
4) Delete

Create Table Statement
    CREATE TABLE "table_name"
("column 1" "data type for column 1" [column 1 constraint(s)],
"column 2" "data type for column 2" [column 2 constraint(s)],
[table constraint(s)]);

·        Drop Table Statement
DROP TABLE "table_name";

·        Truncate Table Statement
TRUNCATE TABLE "table_name";

·        Insert Into Statement
INSERT INTO "table_name" ("column1", "column2", ...)
VALUES ("value1", "value2", ...);

·        Update Statement
UPDATE "table_name"
SET "column_1" = [new value]
WHERE "condition";

·        Delete From Statement
DELETE FROM "table_name"
WHERE "condition";

·        Alter Statement
ALTER TABLE tb_TableName ADD Record_Status varchar(20);

ALTER TABLE tb_TableName 

add constraint cnt_Record_Status Default '' for Record_Status;

Six types of constraints can be placed when creating a table:

·        NOT NULL Constraint: Ensures that a column cannot have NULL value.

·        DEFAULT Constraint: Provides a default value for a column when none is specified.

·        UNIQUE Constraint: Ensures that all values in a column are different.

·        CHECK Constraint: Makes sure that all values in a column satisfy certain criteria.

·        Primary Key Constraint: Used to uniquely identify a row in the table.

·        Foreign Key Constraint: Used to ensure referential integrity of the data.

SQL > SQL Syntax
In this page, I have listed the SQL syntax for each of the SQL commands in this tutorial, making this an easy reference for someone to learn SQL.

·       Select Statement
   SELECT "column_name" FROM "table_name";

·        Distinct
SELECT DISTINCT "column_name"
FROM "table_name";

·        Where
SELECT "column_name"
FROM "table_name"
WHERE "condition";

·        And/Or
SELECT "column_name"
FROM "table_name"
WHERE "simple condition"
{[AND|OR] "simple condition"}+;

·        In
SELECT "column_name"
FROM "table_name"
WHERE "column_name" IN ('value1', 'value2', ...);

·        Between
SELECT "column_name"
FROM "table_name"
WHERE "column_name" BETWEEN 'value1' AND 'value2';

·        Like
SELECT "column_name"
FROM "table_name"
WHERE "column_name" LIKE {PATTERN};

·        Order By
SELECT "column_name"
FROM "table_name"
[WHERE "condition"]
ORDER BY "column_name" [ASC, DESC];

·        Count
SELECT COUNT("column_name")
FROM "table_name";

·        Group By
SELECT "column_name1", SUM("column_name2")
FROM "table_name"
GROUP BY "column_name1";

·        Having
SELECT "column_name1", [Function("column_name2")]
FROM "table_name"
[GROUP BY "column_name1"]
HAVING (arithematic function condition);
    You can rate my class on right side top of my blog......
                                                        -Your's santoshklpkl


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